Fire Dancing Lessons on Maui

fire dancing lessons


Fire Dancing has been a huge part of my life since the first time I witnessed its culture!

Turns out there is a whole sub culture of body moving, energy flowing, “lets get the party started kinda people!” I first saw them in Thailand. Spinning Fire on the island of Koh Phangan. Beautiful beachside shows. It created massive fire and hot nights of revelry.

Years after I was on the cliffs of Maui with Hawaii Fire Artists throwing down.

A year later I am at Burningman witnessing a whole other way of Art and Life.

I was captivated by the artistry, power and the freedom of expression they had in that moment.

So I decided to learn. I definitely got some strange looks at first. But that was nothing new. I kept practicing till I didn’t care what was happening on the outside world. I was finding deep self awareness on an internal plane of focus, imagination, and play. Loosing myself in the moment deep concentration. A flowstate.

Object Manipulation like the sun spinning a planet and a planet pulling a moon.

Lessons with me look like an Hour and a half of body geometry and spacial awareness practice. Using Poi and Staff to help realize patterns of movements that allow an understanding of how the universe unfolds. Part Yoga part Martial arts we call it Flow.

I can do Private lessons,  group lessons, or something for a party with a Fire show at the end.

Call me at 808-344-3517

Contact to get started!